Angelica Pedini
Art as communication
Material painting - Scenography - Oils
Angelica Pedini
Art as communication
Angelica Pedini
Angelica Pedini, graduated from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, has undertaken an artistic journey that sees her today as a multifaceted painter with a strong inclination towards communication through various mediums. From the fresco technique to the modern pictorial cycles on Juta, her art has evolved while remaining faithful to its underlying theme: communication.
Il portfolio di Angelica Pedini è un caleidoscopio di tecniche e temi. Mentre in passato le sue mani hanno dato vita a affreschi e acquarelli, oggi si concentrano principalmente su oli, installazioni teatrali e quadri su Juta. Ogni opera è un capitolo di un discorso più ampio che l'artista costruisce con il suo pubblico.
The latest collections
Angelica Pedini's most recent collections - 'Native' and 'Piume' - are a manifesto of her sensitivity for human rights. Inspired and provocative, these collections offer a new perspective on our world, pushing the viewer to question important and often overlooked themes.
Explore the depth of social commitment through 'Native', a pictorial series that highlights the Native American struggle as a universal symbol of injustice
Lose yourself in the ethereal charm of the 'Feathers', works of art that embody lightness and freedom, evoking a dialogue between heaven and earth
Scopri 'Green', un'introspezione artistica che celebra la natura come simbolo di vita, mettendo in contrasto la sua purezza con le deturpazioni ambientali che minacciano il nostro futuro